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Please see the following list of recent publications that we thought might be relevant to our ReN community:


  • Achugar, M., & Tardio, T. (2020). Documenting language and content integrated learning: A case study of a genre-based history in films course. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Anderson, J. (2020). The TATE model: A curriculum design framework for language teaching. ELT Journal: English Language Teaching Journal, 74(2), 175-184. 

  • Artieda, G., Roquet, H., & Nicolás-Conesa, F. (2020). The impact of age and exposure on EFL achievement in two learning contexts: Formal instruction and formal instruction + content and language integrated learning (CLIL). International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(4), 449-472. 

  • Banegas, D. L. (2020). Teaching linguistics to low-level English language users in a teacher education programme: An action research study. Language Learning Journal, 48(2), 148-161. 

  • Banegas, D. L., & del Pozo Beamud, M. (2020). Content and language integrated learning: A duoethnographic study about CLIL pre-service teacher education in Argentina and Spain. RELC Journal, 1. 

  • Banegas, D. L., Corrales, K., & Poole, P. (2020). Can engaging L2 teachers as material designers contribute to their professional development? Findings from Colombia. System, 91, N.PAG-N.PAG. 

  • Barrios, E., & Acosta-Manzano, I. (2020). Primary students’ satisfaction with CLIL and perceived CLIL linguistic difficulty. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 1-14. 

  • Barrios, E., & Milla Lara, M. D. (2020). CLIL methodology, materials and resources, and assessment in a monolingual context: An analysis of stakeholders' perceptions in Andalusia. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 60-80. 

  • Bianco, L., & Andonova, I. (2020). Content and language integrated learning applied to teaching chemistry: A case study from eastern Europe. Chemistry. Bulgarian Journal of Chemical Education, 29(3), 283-298. 

  • Bower, K. (2020). How can learners be motivated in a context of demotivation for foreign language learning? In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice(pp. 22-42). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.004 

  • Bower, K. (2020). School leaders' perspectives on content and language integrated learning in England. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 33(4), 351-367. 

  • Bower, K. (2020). Three schools, three models: Senior leaders’ views about the value of CLIL in their school. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice(pp. 107-123). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.008 

  • Bower, K., Coyle, D., Cross, R., & Chambers, G. N. (Eds). (2020). Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice. London, England: Cambridge University Press. 

  • Bower, K., Cross, R., & Coyle, D. (2020). CLIL in multilingual and English-background contexts: Expanding the potential of content and language integrated pedagogies for mainstream learning. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 3-21). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.003 

  • Brooke, M. (2020). Guiding teacher talk in the content and language integrated learning classroom using semantics from legitimation code theory. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(7), 812-824. 

  • Bulon, A., & Meunier, F. (2020). Comparing CLIL and non-CLIL learners’ phrasicon in L2 Dutch: The (expected) winner does not take it all. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-24. 

  • Carrió-Pastor, M. L., & Fortuño, B. B. (2020). Teaching language and content in multicultural and multilingual classrooms: CLIL and EMI approaches. Springer International Publishing. 

  • Castellano-Risco, I., Alejo-González, R., & Piquer-Píriz, A. M. (2020). The development of receptive vocabulary in CLIL vs EFL: Is the learning context the main variable?. System, 91, N.PAG-N.PAG. 

  • Chambers, G. N. (2020). What pupils say about transition (ks2–3) and what this might mean for CLIL. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 63-92). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.006 

  • Cinganotto L., Screpanti M. (2020). Little Citizens – CLIL e Agenda 2030 nella scuola primaria, Pearson.

  • Codó, E. (2020). The dilemmas of experimental CLIL in Catalonia. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 1-17. 

  • Coral, J., Urbiola, M., Sabaté, E., Bofill, J., Lleixà, T., & Vilà Baños, R. (2020). Does the teaching of physical education in a foreign language jeopardise children's physical activity time? A pilot study. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(8), 839-854. 

  • Coyle, D. (2020). Exploring the potential of a pluriliteracies approach. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 187-204). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.012 

  • Coyle, Y., & Roca de Larios, J. (2020). Exploring young learners' engagement with models as a written corrective technique in EFL and CLIL settings. System, 95, N.PAG-N.PAG. 

  • Dafouz, E., & Smit, U. (2020). ROAD-MAPPING English medium education in the Internationalised University. Palgrave McMillan.

  • DeBoer, M., & Leontjev, D. (2020). Assessment and learning in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) classrooms: Approaches and conceptualisations. Springer International Publishing. 

  • Doiz, A., & Lasagabaster, D. (Guest editors). (2020). "The role of languages in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) at university." International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 23(3) (Special Issue).

  • Dobson, A. (2020). Context is everything: Reflections on CLIL in the UK. Language Learning Journal, 48(5), 508-518. 

  • Durán-Martínez, R., & Beltrán-Llavador, F. (2020). Key issues in teachers' assessment of primary education bilingual programs in Spain. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(2), 170-183. 

  • Durán-Martínez, R., Beltrán-Llavador, F., & Martínez-Abad, F. (2020). Training priorities in primary education bilingual programmes in Spain. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1. 

  • Džemila, A. (2020). Content and language integrated learning: The importance of the teacher's role in the process of content and language integration. Integrisano učenje jezika i sadržaja: važnost uloge nastavnika u procesu integrisanja jezika i sadržaja, 15, 71-85. 

  • Evnitskaya, N., & Dalton-Puffer, C. (2020). Cognitive discourse functions in CLIL classrooms: Eliciting and analysing students’ oral categorizations in science and history. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Fernández-Fontecha, A., O'Halloran, K. L., Wignell, P., & Tan, S. (2020). Scaffolding CLIL in the science classroom via visual thinking: A systemic functional multimodal approach. Linguistics & Education, 55, N.PAG-N.PAG. 

  • Fielding, R., & Harbon, L. (2020). Dispelling the monolingual myth: Exploring literacy outcomes in Australian bilingual programmes. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-24. 

  • Gallardo‐del‐Puerto, F., Basterrechea, M., & Martínez‐Adrián, M. (2020). Target language proficiency and reported use of compensatory strategies by young CLIL learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 30(1), 3-18. 

  • Gearon, M., & Cross, R. (2020). Plurilingualism in the content and language integrated classroom: Students’ languages as resources in the CLIL context. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 124-142). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.009 

  • Gierlinger, E. M. (2020). L2 Confidence in CLIL Teaching: A Tale of Two Teachers. In K. Talbot, S. Mercer, M.-T. Gruber, & N. Rieko (Eds.), The psychological experience of integrating language and content: Teacher and learner perspectives (pp. 196-21). Multilingal Matters.

  • Gustafsson, H. (2020). Capturing EMI teachers' linguistic needs: A usage-based perspective. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(9), 1071-1082. 

  • Gómez Ramos, J. L., Palazón Fernández, J. L., Lirio Castro, J., & Gómez-Barreto, I. M. (2020). CLIL: Graphic organisers and concept maps for noun identification within bilingual primary education natural science subject textbooks. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-12. 

  • Hendrikx, I., & Van Goethem, K. (2020). Receptive knowledge of intensifying adjectival compounds: Belgian French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners of Dutch and English. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-25. 

  • Hood, P. (2020). A rationale for CLIL in primary schools. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 43-60). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.005 

  • Hughes, S. P., & Madrid, D. (2020). The effects of CLIL on content knowledge in monolingual contexts. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 48-59. 

  • Isidro, X. S., & Lasagabaster, D. (2020). Lessons to be learned: A professional development approach to curriculum planning in a multilingual school in galicia. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 145-164). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.010 

  • Jaekel, N. (2020). Language learning strategy use in context: The effects of self-efficacy and CLIL on language proficiency. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(2), 195-220. 

  • Kao, Y.-T. (2020). Understanding and addressing the challenges of teaching an online CLIL course: A teacher education study. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-20. 

  • Karabassova, L. (2020). Is top-down CLIL justified? A grounded theory exploration of secondary school science teachers’ experiences. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-16. 

  • Khalyapina, L. (2020). Examining content and language integrated learning (CLIL) theories and practices. IGI Global. 

  • Lacabex, E. G., & Gallardo-del-Puerto, F. (2020). Explicit phonetic instruction vs. Implicit attention to native exposure: Phonological awareness of English schwa in CLIL. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(4), 419-442. 

  • Lahuerta, A. (2020). Analysis of accuracy in the writing of EFL students enrolled on CLIL and non-CLIL programmes: The impact of grade and gender. Language Learning Journal, 48(2), 121-132. 

  • Lamb, P., & King, G. (2020). Another platform and a changed context: Student experiences of developing spontaneous speaking in French through physical education. European Physical Education Review, 26(2), 515-534. 

  • Leontjev, D., & deBoer, M. A. (2020). Multimodal mediational means in assessment of processes: An argument for a hard-CLIL approach. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-17. 

  • Li, D., & Zhang, L. (2020). Exploring teacher scaffolding in a CLIL-framed EFL intensive reading class: A classroom discourse analysis approach. Language Teaching Research, 1. 

  • Llinares, A., & McCabe, A. (2020). Systemic functional linguistics: The perfect match for content and language integrated learning. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Lo, Y. Y., & Fung, D. (2020). Assessments in CLIL: The interplay between cognitive and linguistic demands and their progression in secondary education. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(10), 1192-1210. 

  • Lo, Y. Y., Lin, A. M. Y., & Liu, Y. (2020). Exploring content and language co-construction in CLIL with semantic waves. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Lopes, A. (2020). Linking content and language-integrated learning (CLIL) and task-based language teaching (TBLT) in an effective way: A methodological proposal. ONOMAZEIN, 5-22. 

  • Lopriore, L. (2020). Reframing teaching knowledge in content and language integrated learning (CLIL): A European perspective. Language Teaching Research, 24(1), 94-104. 

  • Lorenzo, F., & Granados, A. (2020). One generation after the bilingual turn: Results from a large-scale CLIL teachers’ survey. Una generación de enseñanza bilingüe: resultados de un estudio a gran escala de profesores aicle., 20, 77-111. 

  • López Hernández, A. (2020). Compatibilidad de las rutinas de pensamiento con el aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lengua extranjera (aicle): Un estudio exploratorio. Exploring the role of thinking routines in CLIL classrooms.(30), 92-107. 

  • Mahan, K. R. (2020). The comprehending teacher: Scaffolding in content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Language Learning Journal, 1-15. 

  • Maican, M.-A. (2020). Benefits of applying the CLIL conceptual framework in business English classes. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Seriels VI: Medical Sciences, 13(2), 191-198. 

  • Marsh D., Cinganotto L. (2020). Pedagogical practices for teaching through an additional language in academic contexts, Conference Proceedings, Incte2020, 5th International Conference on Teacher Education Bragança, Portugal.

  • Martínez Agudo, J. d. D. (2020). The impact of CLIL on English language competence in a monolingual context: A longitudinal perspective. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 36-47. 

  • Martínez Agudo, J. d. D. (2020). To what extent does parental educational background affect CLIL learners’ content subject learning? Evidence from research in Spain. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-14. 

  • Martínez-Adrián, M. (2020). ¿los juntamos? A study of L1 use in interactional strategies in CLIL vs. Non-CLIL primary school learners. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(1), 1-27. 

  • Mearns, T., & Platteel, T. (2020). Exploring teacher support for a content and language integrated modern languages curriculum. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 1-17. 

  • Mearns, T., de Graaff, R., & Coyle, D. (2020). Motivation for or from bilingual education? A comparative study of learner views in the Netherlands. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(6), 724-737. 

  • Meier, G. (2020). Supporting peer collaboration and social cohesion in multilingual classrooms: Practical insights from content-based learning contexts. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 165-186). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.011 

  • Mettewie, L., & Mensel, L. V. (2020). Understanding foreign language education and bilingual education in Belgium: A (surreal) piece of cake. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-19. 

  • Meunier, F., Hendrikx, I., Bulon, A., Van Goethem, K., & Naets, H. (2020). Multinco: Multilingual traditional immersion and native corpus. Better-documented multiliteracy practices for more refined SLA studies. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-18. 

  • Meyerhöffer, N., & Dreesmann, D. C. (2020). Expert video exchanges in bilingual biology lessons - student's intrinsic motivation and subject-specific interest. Journal of Biological Education (Routledge), 54(3), 315-327. 

  • Morton, T. (2020). Afterword: SFL, theoretical pluralism and content and language integration at the levels of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Moscow, G., & Underwood, P. R. (2020). Applying concepts in international relations: The language of causal explanation in high- and low-graded concept-application essays. English for Specific Purposes, 60, 113-126. 

  • Nashaat-Sobhy, N., & Llinares, A. (2020). CLIL students’ definitions of historical terms. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Navarro-Pablo, M., & López Gándara, Y. (2020). The effects of CLIL on L1 competence development in monolingual contexts. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 18-35. 

  • Oxbrow, G. (2020). Addressing the language challenge in monolingual CLIL contexts: Stakeholder perspectives in the canary islands. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 99-114. 

  • Pfenninger, S. E. (2020). The dynamic multicausality of age of first bilingual language exposure: Evidence from a longitudinal content and language integrated learning study with dense time serial measurements. Modern Language Journal, 104(3), 662-686. 

  • Porto, S. M., Marchão, A., & Coelho, T. (2020). Sintaxe musical e a construção de competências musicais na educação de infância - um estudo de caso. Musical syntax and the construction of music skills in early childhood education -- a case study.(26), 93-107. 

  • Poveda, D., Giampapa, F., & Relaño-Pastor, A. M. (2020). Gatekeeping the interactional order: Field access and linguistic ideologies in content and language integrated learning–type bilingual education programs in Spanish secondary schools. Qualitative Research, 20(6), 854-873. 

  • Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2020). Addressing the research gap in teacher training for EMI: An evidence-based teacher education proposal in monolingual contexts. Journal Of English For Academic Purposes, 48, N.PAG-N.PAG. 

  • Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2020). CLIL and elitism: Myth or reality?. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 4-17. 

  • Pérez Gracia, E., Serrano Rodríguez, R., & Carpio, A. J. (2020). Promoting interculture through content and competences within bilingual education: Teachers in action. Intercultural Education, 31(4), 407-426. 

  • Relaño Pastor, A. M., & Poveda, D. (2020). Native speakerism and the construction of CLIL competence in teaching partnerships: Reshaping participation frameworks in the bilingual classroom. Language & Education, 34(5), 469-487. 

  • Relaño Pastor, A. M., & Poveda, D. (2020). Native speakerism and the construction of CLIL competence in teaching partnerships: Reshaping participation frameworks in the bilingual classroom. Language & Education: An International Journal, 34(5), 460-478. 

  • Romanowski, P. (2020). Perceptions of translanguaging among the students and teachers of EMI classrooms in Poland. Percepciones de translaguaging entre estudiantes y profesores de las aulas de emi en polonia.(55), 151-165. 

  • Ruiz de Zarobe, Y., & Smala, S. (2020). Metacognitive awareness in language learning strategies and strategy instruction in CLIL settings. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 2(2), 20-35.

  • Rumlich, D. (2020). Bilingual education in monolingual contexts: A comparative perspective. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 115-119. 

  • San Isidro, X., & Lasagabaster, D. (2020). Students’ and families’ attitudes and motivations to language learning and CLIL: A longitudinal study. Language Learning Journal, 1-16. 

  • Sendur, K. A., van Drie, J., van Boxtel, C., & Kan, K.-J. (2020). Historical reasoning in an undergraduate CLIL course: Students’ progression and the role of language proficiency. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-17. 

  • Smala, S. (2020). Diversity and transnationalism: The ‘merged curriculum’ approach in bilingual programmes in Australia. In K. Bower, D. Coyle, R. Cross, & G. N. Chambers (Eds.), Curriculum integrated language teaching: CLIL in practice (pp. 93-106). Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781108687867.007 

  • Tedick, D. J., & Lyster, R. (2019). Scaffolding Language Development in Immersion and Dual Language Classrooms. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

  • Valdés-Sánchez, L., & Espinet, M. (2020). Coteaching in a science-CLIL classroom: Changes in discursive interaction as evidence of an English teacher's science-CLIL professional identity development. International Journal Of Science Education, 42(14), 2426-2452. 

  • Van Mensel, L., Hiligsmann, P., Mettewie, L., & Galand, B. (2020). CLIL, an elitist language learning approach? A background analysis of English and Dutch CLIL pupils in French-speaking Belgium. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 33(1), 1-14. 

  • Virdia, S. (2020). The (heterogeneous) effect of CLIL on content-subject and cognitive acquisition in primary education: Evidence from a counterfactual analysis in Italy. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-17. 

  • Vázquez, V. P., Lancaster, N., & Callejas, C. B. (2020). Keys issues in developing teachers' competences for CLIL in Andalusia: Training, mobility and coordination. Language Learning Journal, 48(1), 81-98. 

  • Whittaker, R., & McCabe, A. (2020). Expressing evaluation across disciplines in primary and secondary CLIL writing: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • Williams, M. (2020). Fifth graders’ use of gesture and models when translanguaging during a content and language integrated science class in Hong Kong. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1-20. 

  • Yalçın, Ş., Bayyurt, Y., & Alahdab, B. R. (2020). Triggering effect of CLIL practice on English as a lingua franca awareness. ELT Journal: English Language Teaching Journal, 74(4), 387-397. 

  • de Oliveira, L. C., Jones, L., & Smith, S. L. (2020). Interactional scaffolding in a first-grade classroom through the teaching–learning cycle. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 1. 

  • van Kampen, E., Meirink, J., Admiraal, W., & Berry, A. (2020). Do we all share the same goals for content and language integrated learning (CLIL)? Specialist and practitioner perceptions of 'ideal' CLIL pedagogies in the Netherlands. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 23(8), 855-871. 


  • Akie, Y. (2019). Practice of CLIL: Applying key principles to FL contexts. 東京経済大学人文自然科学論集 / 東京経済大学人文自然科学研究会 編(144), 85-102.

  • Ahern, A., Whittaker, R., & Sánchez, I. B. (2018). Reading and Writing to Learn: A Principled Approach to Practice in CLIL/Bilingual Classes. e-TEALS, 9(s1), 23-40.

  • Aldrup, M. (2019). 'Well let me put it uhm the other way around maybe': Managing students' trouble displays in the CLIL classroom. Classroom Discourse, 10(1), 46-70.

  • Anna, T. (2019). Students' perceptions on CLIL implementation in China, Japan and Indonesia. 鹿児島純心女子短期大学研究紀要(49), 31-58.

  • Asensio Arjona, V., & González Mediel, O. (2019). La evaluación de la música en inglés desde el método AICLE (aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras). [The evaluation of music in English employing the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) method]. Collected Work: Eufonía: Didáctica de la música. 78 (enero–marzo 2019): Música en inglés. Published by: Graó, Barcelona, Spain, 2019. (AN: 2019-01019).(78), 27-31.

  • Basile, G. (2019). EAS and CLIL for innovating. Humanising Language Teaching, 21(3), 6.

  • Belyaeva, I. G., Samorodova, E. A., Voron, O. V., & Zakirova, E. S. (2019). Analysis of innovative methods' effectiveness in teaching foreign languages for special purposes used for the formation of future specialists' professional competencies. Education Sciences, 9(3), 171.

  • Borràs, E., & Moore, E. (2019). The plurilingual and multimodal management of participation and subject complexity in university CLIL teamwork. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 100-112.

  • Borzova, E., & Shemanaeva, M. (2019). A university foreign language curriculum for pre-service non-language subject teacher education. Education Sciences, 9(3), 163.

  • Bower, K. (2019). 'Speaking French alive': Learner perspectives on their motivation in content and language integrated learning in England. Innovation in Language Learning & Teaching, 13(1), 45-60.

  • Bower, K. (2019). Explaining motivation in language learning: A framework for evaluation and research. Language Learning Journal, 47(5), 558-574.

  • Bruton, A. (2019). Questions about CLIL which are unfortunately still not outdated: A reply to Perez-Canado. In (Vol. 10, pp. 591-602).

  • Bulté, B., & Housen, A. (2019). Beginning L2 complexity development in CLIL and non-CLIL secondary education. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 3(2), 153-180.

  • Burmeister, P. (2019). Evaluating bilingual education in Germany. CLIL students' general English proficiency, EFL self-concept and interest. (English). Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 48(1), 138.

  • Bykova, A. (2019). Seed germination project—creative CLIL. Humanising Language Teaching, 21(3), 30.

  • Campillo, J. M., Sánchez, R., & Miralles, P. (2019). Primary teachers' perceptions of CLIL implementation in Spain. English Language Teaching, 12(4), 149-156.

  • Candela Contero, U. (2019). Law and business students’ attitudes towards learning English for specific purposes within CLIL and non-CLIL contexts. Languages(2), 45.

  • Caravaca, R. V. (2019). Effective questioning in CLIL classrooms: Empowering thinking. ELT Journal: English Language Teaching Journal, 73(4), 367-376.

  • Carrió-Pastor, M. L., & Romero Forteza, F. (2019). La planificación temporal y la evaluación en la formación online de futuros docentes en el aicl. (Spanish). Time planning and evaluation in online pre-service teacher training in CLIL. (English), 12(30), 111.

  • Chastrette, N. (2019). The challenges of teaching earth sciences in another language: Effectiveness of task-based activities and collaborative learning. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, 1-1.

  • Cinganotto L., Daniela Cuccurullo, P. Van De Craen (2019). Quality professional development for the 21 st century CLIL  teacher AA.VV. RILA n. 2/3-2018 - anno L RILA - Rassegna italiana di Linguistica Applicata maggio-dicembre 2/3 -2018

  • Cinganotto L. (2019). Debate as a teaching strategy for language learning, in Lingue e Linguaggi, Vol. 30/2019.

  • Cinganotto L. (2019), The role of the English language in a CLIL interaction, in Veronica Bonsignori, Gloria Cappelli and Elisa Mattiello (edited), WORLDS OF WORDS: Complexity, Creativity and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture, pp. 363-373.

  • Cinganotto L. (2019). Online Interaction in Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language: an Italian Pilot Project on the Companion Volume to the CEFR, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, v.15, n.1, 135-151. ISSN: 1826-6223, e-ISSN:1971-8829 DOI: 10.20368/1971-8829/1618

  • Cinganotto L., Cunningham K. (2019), co-editors of JE-LKS, Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Embracing language awareness and language diversity in the 21st century.

  • Cinganotto L., & Cuccurullo D. (2019). Techno-CLIL - Fare CLIL in digitale, I Quaderni della Ricerca, 42.

  • Cinganotto, L., & Cuccurullo, D. (2019). Rethinking literacy in the 21st century: A pluriliteracies approach to CLIL. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages & Literature / Lubelskie Materialy Neofilologiczne, 43(3), 3.

  • Codina-Espurz, V., & Salazar-Campillo, P. (2019). Openings and closing in emails by CLIL students: A pedagogical proposal. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 57-67.

  • Conkan, D. (2019). From CLILiG to digital tools: Developing reading strategies and collaborative skills for university students. De la CLILiG la aplicații digitale: Strategii de citire și învățare colaborativă pentru studenți., 64(2), 35.

  • Corinob, E., & Onesti, C. (2019). Data-driven learning: A scaffolding methodology for CLIL and lsp teaching and learning. Frontiers in Education.

  • Cruz, M., António Costa, J., Flores, P., Duarte, S., & Silva, P. (2019). O projeto CLIL4U: Implementação, monitorização e avaliação de um projeto de ensino bilingue. The CLIL4U Project: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a bilingual education project. 14(31), 145-167.

  • Dafouz, E., & Smit, U. (2019). Road-Mapping: English medium education in the Internationalised University. New York: Palgrave McMillan.

  • Dale, L., Oostdam, R. J, & Verspoor, M. (2018b). Towards a professional development tool for teachers of English in bilingual streams: The dynamics of beliefs and practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1556244

  • Dale, L., Oostdam, R. J., & Verspoor, M. (2018a). Juggling ideals and constraints: The position of English teachers in CLIL contexts. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 176-201. 

  • Dalton-Puffer, C., & Bauer-Marschallinger, S. (2019). Cognitive discourse functions meet historical competences. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(1), 30.

  • Danesi, M., Diadori, P., & Semplici, S. (2019). Tecniche didattiche per la seconda lingua. Strategie e strumenti, anche in contesti CLIL. Italiano LinguaDue(2), 400.

  • Escobosa, G., Lleixà, T., & Coral, J. (2019). Diseño del prototipo de una web-app de educación física (ef) en content and language integrated learning (CLIL). / design of the prototype of a physical education (pe) web-app in content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Journal of Sport & Health Research, 11, 1-16.

  • Estrada, J. L., & Otto, A. (2019). Timing of pedagogical intervention: Oral error treatment in EFL vs. CLIL contexts in primary education in Spain. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(2), 578-586.

  • Fazio, A. (2019). Il cla del foro italico e la formazione metodologica CLIL. Linguae &. Rivista di Lingue e Culture Moderne(2), 67.

  • Fernández-Barrera, A. (2019). Doing CLIL in the science classroom: A critical sociolinguistic ethnography in la mancha secondary schools. Foro de Educación, 17(27), 37-63.

  • Fernández-Sanjurjo, J., Fernández-Costales, A., & Arias Blanco, J. M. (2019). Analysing students' content-learning in science in CLIL vs. Non-CLIL programmes: Empirical evidence from Spain. International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism, 22(6), 661-674.

  • Francomacaro, M. R. (2019). The added value of teaching CLIL for ESP and subject teachers. International Journal of Language Studies, 13(4), 55-72.

  • Godzhaeva, N. S., Logunov, T. A., Lokteva, M. S., & Zolotareva, S. A. (2019). Approaching CLIL from the periphery: Integration of content and language in Russian higher education institution. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 8, 280-293.

  • González-Gijón, G., Corral-Robles, S., & Madrid Fernández, D. (2019). The written production of Spanish CLIL and EFL students: Proficiency levels and error analysis. International Journal of Literacies, 26(1), 11.

  • Goris, J., Denessen, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2019). Effects of content and language integrated learning in Europe: A systematic review of longitudinal experimental studies. European Educational Research Journal, 18(6), 675-698.

  • Goris, J., Denessen, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2019). The contribution of CLIL to learners' international orientation and EFL confidence. Language Learning Journal, 47(2), 246-256.

  • Granel, N., Leyva-Moral, J. M., Bernabeu-Tamayo, M. D., Gómez-Ibáñez, R., Watson, C. E., & Aguayo-González, M. P. (2019). Student satisfaction with content and language integrated learning in nursing education: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education In Practice, 38, 21-26.

  • Graziano, A. (2019). Learning second language through restaurant menu dish names. Journal of E-Learning & Knowledge Society, 15(1), 67-82.

  • Guzmán-Alcón, I. (2019). Investigating the application of communicative language teaching principles in primary-education: A comparison of CLIL and FL classrooms. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 88-99.

  • Hashmi, U. M. (2019). Exploring EFL teachers' perceptions of CLIL and its implementation in the Saudi EFL context. International Education Studies, 12(10), 114-122.

  • Hasogia, D., & Vlachos, K. (2019). Exploring the implementation of CLIL-based science lessons in the Greek school EFL context. Research Papers in Language Teaching & Learning, 10(1), 294.

  • Higashi, M., & Watanabe, N. (2019). Pilot study: Applying the hard CLIL approach to an educational counseling class in a Japanese university. 梅光学院大学論集(52), 83-91.

  • Hendrikx, I., Van Goethem, K., & Wulff, S. (2019). Intensifying constructions in French-speaking L2 learners of English and Dutch: Cross-linguistic influence and exposure effects. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (IJLCR), 5(1), 63.

  • Hurajova, A. (2019). Contribution of CLIL methodology to the development of bilingualism and bilingual language competence of Slovak secondary-school students. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(4), 905-919.

  • Ito, Y. (2019). The effectiveness of a CLIL basketball lesson: A case study of Japanese junior high school CLIL. English Language Teaching, 12(11), 42-54.

  • J-CLIL (Ed.) JJCLIL: The Journal of the Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association (J-CLIL). Vol. 1. Available from:

  • J-CLIL (Ed.) JJCLIL: The Journal of the Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association (J-CLIL). Special issue. Available from: (Special issue includes proceedings for the J-CLIL seminar in 2018 in Scotland.)

  • Jaumer Andrés Quintana, A., Daniela Restrepo, C., Gonzalo, R., & Gustavo Adolfo Cárdenas, M. (2019). The effect of content and language integrated learning on the development of English reading comprehension skills. Lenguaje(2), 427.

  • Jhana, G. (2019). Theoretical perspectives regarding the utilization of the transfer-appropriate processing theory to assess the impact of the content and language integrated learning approach on EFL education in Japanese secondary schools. 上智大学教育学論集(53), 61-76.

  • Jhonny Benalcázar, B., & Diego, O.-A. (2019). Effects of the CLIL approach in oral production of English students in the second year of the united general baccalaureate at a high school in Cuenca, Ecuador. Revista Boletín Redipe(12), 117.

  • Jon, M. (2019). Student perceptions of soft CLIL lessons in a Japanese junior high school. 自然・人間・社会 = Nature-people-society, Science and the humanities : 関東学院大学経済学部・経営学部総合学術論叢 / 関東学院大学経済学部・経営学部教養学会 編(66), 13-28.

  • KalniŅA, I., & Kolosova, Ā. (2019). Starpdisciplinārās pieejas pieredze skolas un augstskolas kontekstā. CLIL Approach in Practice in the Context of Secondary School and University.(15), 110-127.

  • Karimi, P., Lotfi, A. R., & Biria, R. (2019). Enhancing pilot's aviation English learning, attitude and motivation through the application of content and language integrated learning. International Journal of Instruction, 12(1), 751-766.

  • Kaunisto, M. (2019). "Saako mustan tussin?" Oppilaiden pyynnöt venäjänkielisessä CLIL-alkuopetuksessa. (Finnish). Can I have a black marker pen?" request sequences in Russian CLIL methodological instruction in primary education. (English), 39(1), 99.

  • Kiyota, Y. (2019). Overseas school-visit report : A report on CLIL class observation in Turin and nearby schools. Language teacher education : JACETSIG-ELE journal = 言語教師教育 : JACET教育問題研究会会誌(2), 83-90.

  • Lialikhova, D. (2019). “We can do it together!” – but can they? How Norwegian ninth graders co-constructed content and language knowledge through peer interaction in CLIL. Linguistics And Education, 54.

  • Liu, H. (2019). An action research into task-based CLIL applied to education majors: From Chinese students' perspective. English Language Teaching, 12(3), 94-107.

  • Lo, Y. Y. (2019). Development of the beliefs and language awareness of content subject teachers in CLIL: Does professional development help? International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism, 22(7), 818-832.

  • Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2019). Teaching, learning and scaffolding in CLIL science classrooms. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(2), 151.

  • Lo, Y. Y., Lui, W.-m., & Wong, M. (2019). Scaffolding for cognitive and linguistic challenges in CLIL science assessments. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(2), 289.

  • Mabe, K. (2019). Textbook or CLIL lessons: A study of student preferences. CELE Journal(27), 106-121.

  • Mabe, K. (2019). Zines as a final project in content and language integrated learning courses. 大手前大学IIEジャーナル = Journal of research and pedagogy of Otemae University Institute of International Education / 大手前大学国際教育インスティテュート 編(5), 110-128.

  • Mancipe Triviño, M., & Ramírez Valenzuela, C. M. (2019). El papel del lenguaje en la construcción de explicaciones en la clase de ciencias en contextos bilingües a través del enfoque CLIL. (Spanish). The Role of Language in Elaborating Explanations in the Science Class in Bilingual Contexts Through the CLIL Approach. (English), 21(1), 105.

  • Marongiu, M. (2019). Teaching materials and CLIL teaching. Linguae &. Rivista di Lingue e Culture Moderne(2), 81.

  • Maribel, B., & Bjarne, Ø. (2019). “On thin ice” – discomfort using sie among Danish students and teachers of German, and implications for content and language integrated learning (CLIL). FLEKS: Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice(2).

  • Marsh, D., & Pérez, W. D. (2019). Enhancing language awareness and competence-building through a fusion of phenomenon-based learning and content and language integration. Journal of E-Learning & Knowledge Society, 15(1), 55-65.

  • Martinez, A. H., & Hernández, A. S. (2019). Pragmatic markers produced by multilingual speakers: Evidence from a CLIL context. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 68-76.

  • Martí, O., & Portolés, L. (2019). Spokes in the wheels of CLIL for multilingualism or how monolingual ideologies limit teacher training. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 17-36.

  • Martínez Agudo, J. d. D. (2019). Which instructional programme (EFL or CLIL) results in better oral communicative competence? Updated empirical evidence from a monolingual context. Linguistics & Education, 51, 69-78.

  • Martínez-Adrián, M., Gallardo-del-Puerto, F., & Basterrechea, M. (2019). On self-reported use of communication strategies by CLIL learners in primary education. Language Teaching Research, 23(1), 39-57.

  • Martínez-Adrián, M., Gutiérrez-Mangado, M. J., & Gallardo, D.-P. F. (2019). L1 use in content-based and CLIL settings [special issue]. International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism, 22(1), 1-90.

  • Martínez-Agudo, J. d. D. (2019). To what extent can CLIL learners' oral competence outcomes be explained by contextual differences? Updated empirical evidence from Spain. Southern African Linguistics & Applied Language Studies, 37(1), 27-40.

  • Masakatsu, U. (2019). Implementation and effective use of CLIL: Proposals and issues relating to practices and applications. 東北英語教育学会研究紀要 = TELES journal(39), 89-101.

  • Mathea, S., Claudio, V., Tom, S., & Karen Van De, P. (2019). Remedying foreign language anxiety through CLIL? A mixed-methods study with pupils, teachers and parents. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas(1), 153.

  • Meyerhöffer, N., & Dreesmann, D. C. (2019). Let's talk biology: Developing a model for incorporating English-speaking experts into the (bilingual) science classroom. American Biology Teacher (University of California Press), 81(3), 152-159.

  • Meyerhöffer, N., & Dreesmann, D. C. (2019). English-bilingual biology for standard classes development, implementation and evaluation of an English-bilingual teaching unit in standard German high school classes. International Journal Of Science Education, 41(10), 1366-1386.

  • Meyerhöffer, N., & Dreesmann, D. C. (2019). The exclusive language of science? Comparing knowledge gains and motivation in English-bilingual biology lessons between non-selected and preselected classes. International Journal Of Science Education, 41(1), 1-20.

  • Miyafumi, H. (2019). Applying the soft CLIL approach in a Japanese university: Identifying opportunities. 梅光学院大学論集(52), 39-47.

  • Moraes, L. (2019). Five challenges of planning CLIL lessons. Humanising Language Teaching, 21(4), 16.

  • Möller, V. (2018). Promoting bilingualism at the primary and secondary level: The role of intelligence, motivation and anxiety. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1559795 

  • Naddeo, M. (2019). ESP@school: CLIL art. International Journal of Language Studies, 13(4), 73-86.

  • Naharro, M. (2019). Moving towards a revolutionary change in multilingual education: Does CLIL live up to the hype? Je-LKS : Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society(1).

  • Nightingale, R., & Safont, P. (2019). Conversational style and early academic language skills in CLIL and non-CLIL settings: A multilingual sociopragmatic perspective. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 37-56.

  • Nussara, W. (2019). Integrating CLIL within business English teaching: The case of a Thai international university. International Journal of Humanities Education, 17(1), 57.

  • Pappa, S., Moate, J., Ruohotie-Lyhty, M., & Eteläpelto, A. (2019). Teacher agency within the Finnish CLIL context: Tensions and resources. International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism, 22(5), 593-613.

  • Parvin, K., Ahmad Reza, L., & Reza, B. (2019). Enhancing pilot's aviation English learning, attitude and motivation through the application of content and language integrated learning. International Journal of Instruction, 12(1), 751-766.

  • Paschalidou, G. (2019). Investigating the impact of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) on EFL oral production: A preliminary research on fluency and quantity. Διερευνώντας την επίδραση της Ολοκληρωμένης Εκμάθησης Περιεχομένου και Γλώσσας (ΟΕΠΓ) στην παραγωγή προφορικού λόγου: μια προκαταρκτική ανάλυση ευχέρειας και ποσότητας παραγώμενου λόγου, 10(1), 410.

  • Pavón Vázquez, V., & Ramos Ordóñez, M. d. C. (2019). Describing the use of the L1 in CLIL: An analysis of L1 communication strategies in classroom interaction. International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism, 22(1), 35-48.

  • Pladevall-Ballester, E. (2018). A longitudinal study of primary school EFL learning motivation in CLIL and non-CLIL settings. Language Teaching Research. 

  • Pons Seguí, L. (2019). Qualitative meta-analysis on the training needs reported by in-service CLIL teachers. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (John Benjamins Publishing Co.), 32(1), 277-303.

  • PukeviČIŪTĖ, V. J., & JarmalaviČIus, D. (2019). Perspektiven des integrierten inhalts- und fremdsprachenlernens (CLIL) in litauen: Einstellung der schülerinnen höherer klassen. Perspectives of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Lithuania: Attitudes of Schoolchildren in Higher Grades.(15), 86-109.

  • Rachmajanti, S., & Anugerahwati, M. (2019). Predictors of the students' English achievement at lower secondary school: CLIL context. TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 30(1), 72-87.

  • Relaño Pastor, A. M. (2019). Language socialization and CLIL teachers' agency in castilla-la mancha bilingual programs: Appropriations and transformations. Foro de Educación, 17(27), 65-89.

  • Rieder-Bünemann, A., Hüttner, J., & Smit, U. (2019). Capturing technical terms in spoken CLIL. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(1), 4.

  • Roiha, A. (2019). Investigating former pupils' experiences and perceptions of CLIL in Finland: A retrospective analysis. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 5(2), 92-103.

  • Romanowski, P. (2019). A comparative study of CLIL trajectories in the Polish education system. Primerjalna študija oblik CLIL-a v poljskem izobraževalnem sistemu., 16(2), 63.

  • Sakae, O. (2019). Effects of CLIL-based approaches on pre-service teachers’ learning in teacher education programs. ReiDoCrea(3), 238.

  • Salvadori, I. (2019). Uso della L1 da parte di docenti di discipline non linguistiche in formazione metodologica CLIL: Dati di una ricerca sul campo. (italian). Analyzing research data on the use of L1 by teachers teaching non-linguistic subjects in a CLIL approach training context. (English), Formare, 19(1), 367.

  • San Isidro, X., & Lasagabaster, D. (2019). Code-switching in a CLIL multilingual setting: A longitudinal qualitative study. International Journal Of Multilingualism, 16(3), 336-356.

  • San Isidro, X., & Lasagabaster, D. (2019). Code-switching in a CLIL multilingual setting: A longitudinal qualitative study. International Journal Of Multilingualism, 16(3), 336-356.

  • San Isidro, X., & Lasagabaster, D. (2019). Monitoring of teachers' views on both CLIL and the development of pluriliteracies: A longitudinal qualitative study. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 1-16.

  • Sarip, M. (2019). Model of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) strategy in Arabic speaking subject. Arabiyat(1), 53.

  • Sato, M., & Loewen, S. (2019). Evidence-based second language pedagogy: A collection of instructed second language acquisition studies: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

  • Schietroma, E. (2019). Innovative stem lessons, CLIL and ICT in multicultural classes. Journal of E-Learning & Knowledge Society, 15(1), 183-193.

  • Schüler-Meyer, A., Prediger, S., Kuzu, T., Wessel, L., & Redder, A. (2019). Is Formal Language Proficiency in the Home Language Required to Profit from a Bilingual Teaching Intervention in Mathematics? A Mixed Methods Study on Fostering Multilingual Students’ Conceptual Understanding. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(2), 317–339.

  • Silvia Corral, R. (2019). New insights into written competence in CLIL and non-CLIL programmes: Pedagogical implications. ReiDoCrea(3), 289.

  • Simons, M., Vanhees, C., Smits, T., & Van De Putte, K. (2019). Remedying foreign language anxiety through CLIL? A mixed-methods study with pupils, teachers and parents. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas (RLLA), 14, 153.

  • Singleton, D., & Pfenninger, S. E. (2019). Exploring a poorly understood variable: An agenda for classroom research on the age factor. Language Teaching, 52(1), 111-127.

  • Sofía, A.-P. (2019). Using digital resources for content and language integrated learning: A proposal for the ICT-enrichment of a course on biology and geology. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives(22), 11.

  • Steinlen, A. (2018). The development of English and German writing skills in a bilingual primary school in Germany. Journal of Second Language Writing, 39(1), 42-52.

  • Tanaka, K. (2019). Content and language integrated learning (CLIL): Compatibility of a European model of education to Japanese higher education. 国際学研究 / 明治学院大学国際学研究会 編(54), 61-81.

  • Tang, K.-S. (2019). The role of language in scaffolding content & language integration in CLIL science classrooms. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(2), 315.

  • Taniş, A., & Dikilitaş, K. (2019). Exploring CLIL in Turkish context: Teacher and student voices. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 144.

  • Torres-Rincón, J. C., & Cuesta-Medina, L. M. (2019). Situated practice in CLIL: Voices from Colombian teachers. GIST Education and Learning Research Journal(18), 109-141.

  • Tsuchiya, K., & Murillo, M. P. (2019) Content and Language Integrated Learning in Spanish and Japanese Contexts. Palgrave: MacMillan

  • Turner, M. (2019). The positioning of Japanese in a secondary CLIL science classroom in Australia: Language use and the learning of content. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(2), 192.

  • Wongsothorn, A., Yordchim, S., Thitivesa, D., & Pongsurapipa, S. (2019). Innovative use of English language teaching as an international language in graduate studies in Thai universities. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 12(2), 14-27.

  • Wu, Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2019). Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a CLIL biology class in Hong Kong: Whole-body sense-making in the flow of knowledge co-making. Classroom Discourse, 10(3-4), 252-273.

  • Wu, Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2019). Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a CLIL biology class in Hong Kong: Whole-body sense-making in the flow of knowledge co-making. Classroom Discourse, 10(3/4), 252-273.

  • Xu, D., & Harfitt, G. J. (2019). Teacher language awareness and scaffolded interaction in CLIL science classrooms. Journal of Immersion & Content-Based Language Education, 7(2), 212.

  • Yasuda, S. (2019). Perspectives: Conceptualizing integration in CLIL: More than just learning content and language. JALT journal: The research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching(1), 49-65.

  • Zaparucha, A. (2019). The what, why and how of CLIL for English teachers. Humanising Language Teaching, 21(1), 1.

  • Zaripova, R., Salekhova, L., Grigoriev, S., & Grigorieva, K. (2019). Increasing academic motivation through integrated language and content learning (CLIL) and information and communication technologies mediated by the constructivist approach. Aumento de la motivación académica a través del Aprendizaje Integrado de Lenguaje y Contenido (CLIL) y las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones mediadas por el enfoque constructivista., 6, 1.

  • Алексиева, Н. (2019). Content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Vocational Education, 21(1), 87.

  • 伊藤, 真., & フェラン・ガリシア, ジ. (2019). 中学校の音楽科授業における内容言語統合型学習(CLIL)の実践: 器楽合奏を事例として

  • 王靖雯 / Ching-Wen, W. (2019). 故事創作引導成語學習:一個「課立優」的教學示例 / learning Chinese idioms via storytelling: A CLIL-based approach. 臺灣華語教學研究 / Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language(18), 53.

  • 吉田, 美. (2019). Clil要素を取り入れたアクティブラーニングの充実: デジタルエクスチェンジを通したアウトプット活動. 日本私学教育研究所紀要(55), 117-120.

  • 傑穎奧頓 / Jane, O., & 林彤 / Tong, L. (2019). 內容語言整合中的遊戲設計:應用「可見的學習」理論框架 / designing games in content and language integrated learning: Using a visible learning framework. 臺灣華語教學研究 / Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language(18), 105.

  • 綱島, 珠., & 山下, 理. (2019). 日本文化の英語による内容言語統合型学習(CLIL)の実践と可能性

  • 松尾, 由. (2019). 日本の中学校英語授業におけるclil: 言語と教科の到達目標を明確にした単元試案

  • 清田, 洋. (2019). 海外調査報告 トリノおよびその周辺の学校におけるclilの授業見学報告. Language teacher education : JACETSIG-ELE journal = 言語教師教育 : JACET教育問題研究会会誌(1), 152-159.

  • 陳振宇 / Jenn-Yeu, C. (2019). 以語言學習的生態學習理論建構「內容語言整合學習」的理論基礎 / the ecological perspective on language learning as a theoretical basis of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). 臺灣華語教學研究 / Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language(18), 5.

  • 陳振宇 / Jenn-Yeu, C. (2019). 特約主編序:內容語言整合學習 / content and language integrated learning, CLIL. 臺灣華語教學研究 / Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language(18), 1.

  • 陳美瑩, & 盧佩芊. (2019). 臺灣新移民傳承語言教學:以越南語聲調教學為例. (Chinese). The Language Teaching and Learning for the Heritage Languages in Taiwan: Example of Tone Teaching of the Vietnamese Language. (English)(306), 52.

  • 二五, 義., & 伊藤, 耕. (2019). 高専1年生に対する体育clilの可能性(2)英語を使用したバレーボールの授業を事例として

  • 柳, 朱. (2019). 韓国・朝鮮語プレゼンテーション授業におけるclil教授法の応用と評価

  • 柳川, 浩. (2019). Clil型授業が学習者の情動に与える影響: 言語不安の変容と心理欲求の充足

  • 李彩連 / Tsai-Lien, L. (2019). 內容語言整合學習的商務華語課程設計:以「讀財報買股票」為例 / teaching business Chinese with a CLIL-based approach: A lesson plan on financial statements reading. 臺灣華語教學研究 / Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language(18), 37.

  • 劉欣旻 / Hsin-min, L., & 鄭涵予 / Han-Yu, C. (2019). 探究學科內容與語言整合教學能力:clil教師專業能力分析 / a systematic analysis of CLIL teachers' professional competences. 學校行政(122), 141.

  • 劉欣旻, & 鄭涵予. (2019). 探究學科內容與語言 整合教學能力: clil教師專業能力分析. (Chinese). A Systematic Analysis of CLIL Teachers’ Professional Competences. (English)(122), 141.

  • 林素菁 / Su-Jing, L. (2019). 內容與語言整合學習模式之古典文學教學示例:以《詩經.子衿》為例 / a content and language integrated learning approach to the design of lessons for classical Chinese literature: The case of zijin of the book of songs. 臺灣華語教學研究 / Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language(18), 85.

  • 廣康, 好., & 北村, 亜. (2019). フランス語入門レベルにおけるclilの試み. Rencontres(33), 92-96.


  • Brooke, M. (2018). Content and language integrated learning for first and second year university students - aspirations, challenges and solutions. Theory & Practice in Language Studies, 8(7), 778-784.

  • Cinganotto L. (2018). Building a Bridge Between CLIL and Learning Technologies: Lessons Learnt from Three Sessions of a Training Experience, in Mosaic • Vo. 12 • No. 2 • Summer 2018 • ISSN 1195-7131.

  • Codó, E., & Patiño-Santos, A. (2018). CLIL, unequal working conditions and neoliberal subjectivities in a state secondary school. Language Policy, 17(4), 479-499.

  • Crossman, K. (2018). Immersed in academic English: Vocabulary and academic outcomes of a CLIL university preparation course. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 21(5), 564-577.

  • Ellison, S. M., & Santos, Á. A. (2018). Implementing CLIL in schools: The case of the GoCLIL project in Portugal. E-Teals: An e-Journal of Teacher Education & Applied Language Studies, 8(1), 43-72.

  • Fielding, R., & Harbon, L. (2018). An exploration of content and language integrated pedagogy. Babel52(2), 32-46.

  • Flores Muxí, M. d. C. (2018). Identifying effective CLIL teaching practice in higher education: A case study of integrated practices in pre-service teacher education.(Dissertation/Thesis), Universitat Ramon Llull, 2018. 

  • He, P., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2018). Becoming a “language-aware” content teacher. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language, 6(2), 162-188.

  • Kääntä, L., & Kasper, G. (2018). Clarification requests as a method of pursuing understanding in CLIL physics lectures. Classroom Discourse, 9(3), 205-226.

  • Kääntä, L., Kasper, G., & Piirainen-Marsh, A. (2018). Explaining Hooke’s law: Definitional practices in a CLIL physics classroom. Applied Linguistics, 39(5), 694-717.

  • Lo, Y. Y., & Jeong, H. (2018). Impact of genre-based pedagogy on students’ academic literacy development in content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Linguistics and Education, 47, 36-46.

  • Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2019). Curriculum genres and task structure as frameworks to analyse teachers' use of L1 in CBL classrooms. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 22(1), 78-90.

  • Mahan, K. R., Brevik, L. M., & Ødegaard, M. (2018). Characterizing CLIL teaching: new insights from a lower secondary classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-18.   

  • Martínez-Adrián, M., Gutiérrez-Mangado, M. J., & Gallardo-del-Puerto, F. (2019). Introduction: L1 use in content-based and CLIL settings. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 22(1), 1-4.

  • Nashaat Sobhy, N. (2018). Pragmatics in CLIL. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 31(2), 467-494.

  • Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2018). The effects of CLIL on L1 and content learning: Updated empirical evidence from monolingual contexts. Learning and Instruction, 57, 18-33.

  • Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2018). CLIL and pedagogical innovation: Fact or fiction? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28(3), 369-390.

  • Pladevall-Ballester, E. (2018). A longitudinal study of primary school EFL learning motivation in CLIL and non-CLIL settings. Language Teaching Research.

  • Somers, T., & Llinares, A. (2018). Students’ motivation for content and language integrated learning and the role of programme intensity. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-16.

  • Somers, T. (2018). Multilingualism for europeans, monolingualism for immigrants? Towards policy-based inclusion of immigrant minority language students in content and language integrated learning (CLIL). European Journal of Language Policy, 10(2), 203-228.

  • Walenta, M. (2018). Balancing linguistic and extra-linguistic gains in CLIL: A case for content-based structured input. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 21(5), 578-590.

  • Wilkinson, R. (2018). Content and language integration at universities? Collaborative reflections. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism, 21(5), 607-615.

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