Summertime reminder: 28 May, 3-4pm CEST - CLIL and Equity/Social Justice ReN Café #3Just to clarify, given we're now in summer in Europe, the CLIL ReN café for this Friday is 3-4pm Summer CET (CEST); i.e., New York, USA ...
Reminder (and flyer!): CLIL and Equity/Social Justice ReN Café #3 (28 May, 3-4pm CET)A reminder if you've not already registered: registrations are now open to join the third and final café in our panel series, on CLIL and...
AILA CLIL ReN Cafés in Covid-19 times #3: CLIL and Equity/Social Justice (28 May, 3-4pm CET)Following on from the first two CLIL ReN Cafes on ICT in late November, and Subject Literacies in February, we are pleased to advise that...