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New Journal: CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education

The CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education is an online peer-reviewed practitioner-oriented journal that includes articles in Catalan, English, or Spanish. Based on current theory and research, the journal seeks to build common ground among teaching professionals and scholars by promoting a triadic discussion involving theory, empirical research and innovative practices, in the hope that this may lead to a better understanding of plurilingual and pluricultural education and thence to improved educational practices.

Volume 1, Issue 1, is now out, and includes articles by Natalia Evnitskaya, Rachel Whittaker, Neus Lorenzo, and Laia Viladot & Albert Casals on classroom interaction, reading to learn, competence-based CLIL frameworks, and working with music and language in CLIL contexts.

The journal also includes an innovative section, The A-B-C of Content Learning in CLIL Settings, which involves content-area specialists and language teacher tandems to make informed contributions about how best to approach the teaching and learning of their particular subject matter in settings such as CLIL. In an accessible Q&A format, the latest issue focuses on Social Studies, with a contribution from Breogan Tosar.

For more information see:


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