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Call for sympoisum proposals (6 May, 2019): AILA World Congress 2020 (9-14 August, 2020, Groningen,

AILA 2020 will be organised in a slightly different format from past programs, in that the general call for papers (which opens in September 2019, for submissions closing 2 December) asking for proposals that respond to specific symposia themes.

AILA has announced a "Call for Sympoisia Proposals", closing 6 May, for members to submit symposia ideas for consideration by the Scientific Committee.

Successful sympoisa proposals will then be advertised in the second half of the year, to solicit abstracts during the general call for papers that will fill each of the half-day sympoisa.

If you would like to submit a sympoisum proposal for consideration by the AILA Scientific Committee, please see for full details and a submission link.

Note, in addition to these 'general' sympoisa, the ReN will also have a specific "ReN Symposia" (as at past Congresses). This will address a theme specific to our 2018-2020 CLIL ReN priorities (see our home page at A call for papers to participate in this symposia will be annouced in the next few months.

©2019 by AILA CLIL ReN

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