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Call for papers (1 Feb 2020): Journal of Immersion & Content‐Based Language Education: Special Issue

Fred Genesee and Diane J. Tedick, guest editors of a Special Issue of the Journal of Immersion and Content‐Based Language Education (JICB) planned for Fall 2021, invite paper proposals on the topic of Student diversity and content‐based language education: Issues and perspectives.

This JICB Special Issue will focus on the suitability and feasibility of content‐based language education, including immersion and other intensive forms of instruction in which subject matter is taught through more than one language, for diverse students. Diversity could include, among others, students from disadvantaged socio‐economic backgrounds or from minority cultural groups, students with indigenous language/cultural identities, students who speak a minority language, or students with other background and personal characteristics that distinguish them from mainstream students in the school population. Diversity also includes students who are at‐risk for difficulties in school because of a developmental disorder, such as developmental language disability, reading disability, Down Syndrome or Autism. Also of interest are manuscripts related to equity and inclusion of any of these kinds of learners. Any manuscript submitted should 1) be original, and 2) not previously published or under review elsewhere. Submissions could report empirical evidence, discuss relevant theoretical issues, or describe practical or professional issues related to curriculum, policy, teacher professional development, assessment, or other related topics, in the context of immersion or other intensive content‐based language programs.

For more information, including guidelines for submitting proposals and a timeline of important dates, see:


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