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Call for papers (30 Oct 2019): Working CLIL 2nd international colloquium (20-21 Mar 2020, Portugal)

There is a call for workshops and posters presentations on the topic of 'Integration, Innovation and Inclusion in CLIL', for the "Working CLIL 2nd International Colloquium to be held at Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal 20-21 March, 2020.

The keywords in the title of this colloquium—integration, innovation, and inclusion—are all synonymous with a broad conceptualisation of Content and Language Integrated Learning, and each is open to a vast array of interpretations which continue to shift as we move further into the 21st century. At this juncture, the Working CLIL 2020 Colloquium welcomes discussion on 'integration, innovation and inclusion' in its workshops and poster presentations in order to establish and disseminate new understandings and definitions within national trajectories across all levels of education.

For more information and/or to submit abstracts, see:


©2019 by AILA CLIL ReN

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