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Call for papers – CLIL Journal Special Issue: EMI in HE (31st October 2021)

The CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education (CLIL Journal) is preparing a special issue on English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education (EMI in HE) to be published in July 2022.

The journal would like to invite researchers and practitioners to contribute their perspectives and findings to the on-going discussion that is shaping EMI today, to shed new insights into the role of language in the development of content knowledge. The editors welcome empirical studies and theoretical work from any research tradition as well as papers that share innovative approaches and experiences related to the design of teaching materials, learner-centred methodologies, classroom activities, and teaching strategies and techniques.

Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words including references (5 maximum). Deadline for abstract submission is 31st October 2021. Authors should submit their abstract to Important dates Authors notified of outcomes 8 November 2021 Submission of review-ready manuscripts 7 January 2022 Reviews returned to authors by mid February Submission 1st revised version 11 April 2nd review returned to authors by 9 May Submission of 2nd revised version 23 May Final comments from editor by 6 June Submission of final manuscript 20 June Publication of issue in the second half of July The journal very much looks forward to receiving contributions to make this an incredibly timely and relevant issue for researchers and practitioners alike. For more information, please contact Dr Monica Clua Guest Editor T +34 93 504 5270 Josep Trueta, s/n 08017 Sant Cugat del Vallès Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Departament de Lingüística Aplicada Institute for Multilingualism


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