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Call for submissions (15 May): CLIL ReN Projects (extended) and Reflections in Response to COVID

Profiling ReN Projects

Appreciating the impact of COVID19 on workloads, we’ve extended the submission deadline for information about projects we can profile in the upcoming issue of AILA Matters.

As mentioned earlier this year, we have an opportunity to feature two projects that our members are currently working on in the forthcoming issue of AILA Matters  (July 2020).

The project should meet these three criteria:

  1. Be focused on one or more of the ReN’s current triennial themes (CLIL and social justice; CLIL as an instructional practice; CLIL and instructional media; CLIL as a multilingual space)

  2. Involve multi-national networks/collaborators

  3. Provide opportunities for early-career scholars to engage in  CLIL research

If you’re involved in such a project, we'd love to hear from you—and have extended the deadline for submissions through to 15 May 2020.

Reflections on research practice change inspired by COVID

Speaking of the impact of COVID19, AILA Matters are also seeking short contributions that discuss the impact of COVID19 on research practices in areas related to the CLIL ReN.

This is an opportunity to share insights on what has worked well, particularly early career scholars looking for leadership on how to adapt in this current time.

If you have something to contribute, short reflections (up to 200 words) can be submitted via “Contact us” at the website by 15 May 2020.


©2019 by AILA CLIL ReN

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