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CLIL ReN 2019 Events Round-Up ...

2019 was an active year for the ReN, with three events in Spain, Italy, and Australia. These provided great opportunities for the ReN to also collaborate with other organisations similarly focussed on languages education and research. A brief report on each is below, along with information on presentations and presenters for those seeking further information.


CLIL ReN Symposium for graduate/early career researchers— 31st May 2019, Madrid, Spain

The first AILA CLIL ReN Symposium for graduate researchers was celebrated as part of the IV annual conference for graduate researchers in Philosophy and Language Sciences, organised at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. The symposium was introduced by a plenary talk by prof. Anne McCabe (S. Louis University, Madrid Campus, Spain) with the title “Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Learning”. The Symposium was oraganised into the following 2 sessions with 3 presentations each and a discussion:

Session 1

  • Aline Sarah Bieri (U. of Basel, Switzerland) An overview of translanguaging practices in CLIL (English) and non-CLIL (German) biology lessons in Switzerland. 

  • Elisa A. Hidalgo McCabe (U. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) Promoting high standards through CLIL: balancing excellence and equity in Madrid’s BEP. 

  • Thomas Somers (U. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) What's going on there? A different look at the regulative and instructional registers and their interplay.

  • Discussion: Tom Morton (Birkbeck, Univeristy of London)

Session 2

  • Elena del Pozo (U. Autónoma de Madrid) Biliteracy: learning the language of history in bilingual settings.

  • Mario Fernández Prieto (U. Complutense de Madrid) Influence of content language integrated learning of French (l2) upon written English (l3) in Spanish bilingual schools.

  • Amaya Vázquez (U. Autónoma de Madrid) Análisis de errores en la interlengua de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en programas de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua (AICLE) en la Comunidad de Madrid.

  • Discussion: Elisa A. Hidalgo McCabe (U. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Ana Llinares (Convenor) with Elisa Hidalgo

Anne McCabe (Keynote) with Aline Bieri, Elisa Hidalgo and Thomas Somers

Mario Fernández, Elena del Pozo, Aline Bieri, Elisa Hidalgo

We look forward to more AILA CLIL ReN events for early career and graduate researchers in the future!


AFMLTA/CLIL ReN Symposium — 7-9th July, Hobart, Australia

With interest in CLIL continuing to grow internationally, the AILA CLIL Research Network was pleased to collaborate with the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers’ Associations (AFTMLA) to co-convene and chair a joint symposium at their 22nd International Languages Conference at Hobart, Tasmania, in July, 2019. The AFMLTA AILA CLIL stream comprised 5 presentations over two days covering a range of theoretical and applied topics. In addition, four further presentations chaired and hosted by the AFMLTA specifically addressed aspects of working with CLIL in Chinese, recognizing the diverse range of specialist contexts within which CLIL pedagogy is being applied in Australian schools.

Detailed information of full titles, abstracts, and presenter information can be found here, but a summary of the papers presented were:

  • Lessons from a Bilingual School (Linton Roe)Assessing content through language in CLIL classrooms in NSW (Lesley Harbon & Ruth Fielding)

  • Supporting the implementation of CLIL through collaborative planning and resource development (Kylie Farmer)

  • CLIL as a means of addressing new curriculum (Kelly Harrison)

  • CLIL Teaching Religious Study and Italian in Italian (Antonella Masia)

AFMLTA Chinese CLIL Symposium (Chaired by Andrew Scrimgeour)

  • Learning to read in order to read to learn in CLIL Chinese (Andrew Scrimgeour)

  • Engaging with diversity in a bilingual Mandarin program (Rita Wang & Tip Kennedy)

  • Narrative and Chengyu in teaching Chinese as a second language: Using CLIL with young learners (Ching-Wen (Felicia) Wang)

  • Making sense from nonsense! Teaching Chinese characters (Greg Hughes)

In addition to the nine presentations above programmed as part of the CLIL specific stream, Lara Bava also presented “From topics to concepts - Integrating the Languages Curriculum with other Learning Areas”, using CLIL pedagogy as a way of bringing languages into the mainstream curriculum. A copy of Lara’s full abstract and details is also included via the link above.

It was great to see such significant interest in CLIL’s potential within Australian schools amongst AFMLTA delegates, and especially the opportunity to hear from researchers and practitioners currently working with CLIL as a pedagogical approach in this context to share their expertise, knowledge, and skills.

Kelly Harrison presenting on the potential of CLIL as a pedagogical model to deliver aspects of the Australian Curriculum.


CLIL, Learning Technologies, Innovation—Viterbo, Italy, 20 November 2019

On 20th November 2019 the Italian CLIL-ReN Symposium took place in Viterbo, within the international conference titled “CLIL, learning technologies, innovation”, promoted by Tuscia University, Viterbo, in cooperation with Indire, the Italian institute for innovation, documentation and educational research and IUL Telematic University, Italy.

About 100 teachers attended the event and it was a great success.

Key note speakers:

  • Ana Llinares, from Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)

  • Matteo Santipolo, from Padova University

  • Gisella Langé, from the Italian Ministry of Education

  • Lucilla Lopriore, from Roma Tre University

  • Donna Tatsuki, from Kobe University (Japan)

The conference was introduced by the Rector of Tuscia University, together with Alba Graziano, from the same university, Barbara Turchetta from IUL University and Letizia Cinganotto from Indire.

CLIL, Learning Technologies, Innovation ReN Symposium speakers.



©2019 by AILA CLIL ReN

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