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Keep the date: "World CLIL 2022" (7-8 July 2022, The Hague, The Netherlands)

World CLIL 2022 aims to bring together teachers, policy-makers and researchers from diverse cultural, linguistic and professional backgrounds. The programme will include practical workshops, research presentations, good practices, discussion panels and networking opportunities.

The organisers welcome practical and research contributions reflecting educational contexts in which the language(s) of instruction is/are not the learners’ main home language, such as CLIL, EMI, immersion, dual language or heritage language programmes and also invite proposals for symposia focusing on CLIL in specific linguistic, national or cultural contexts, which can be held in languages other than English.

A call for academic and practice-based contributions to the programme will be launched in May 2021 and early-bird registration will open early in 2022. In the meantime, please sign up to the mailing list by following this link and keep an eye on


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