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New resource: The revised and fully animated 'Pluriliteracies Model for Deeper Learning' is

The Graz Group Pluriliteracies team's revised and fully animated model is now online:

Developed through years of conceptual work and reserach, the model offers a holistic view of integration which the Group believes transcends the issue of content vs. language because deeper learning and personal growth only occur when occur the four dimensions of the model are active simultaneously: when school subjects are taught as disciplines (in terms of how knowledge is constructed and communicated) and when learner needs are met by teachers (through generating and sustaining engagement and by mentoring learning and personal growth).

The Group created the video as a tool for teacher training and development and they hope you’ll find it useful. For more information about the Graz Group and their work in pluriliteracies that builds on CLIL, visit:

©2019 by AILA CLIL ReN

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